Monday, February 18, 2013

IELTS Speaking Portion Format - Article Submitter

The IELTS is an universally recognized English test. It comes in two formats, both of which consist of four modules: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. The formats have different reading and writing portions but the same listening and speaking ones. The difficulty levels of all the modules are the same but many people find the speaking part the hardest. This may be because many people get nervous when they have to express their ideas orally. In order to help ease the nervousness of future test takers, this article enumerates in detail what to expect from the test's speaking portion.

An one-on-one oral dialogue between the examiner and examinee is required for this part of the test. Even if the testing time is only around 15 minutes, this portion is usually done on a day separate from the others. The examiners of this module record all three parts of it.

The introduction and interview, which lasts for around 5 minutes, is the first task in the speaking portion of the test. This is the part of the module where introductions and small talk are made. This task tests the candidate's ability to answer questions and formulate opinions. The assessment of each candidate is accurate because the questions asked in this portion are from a standard list.

The long turn, where the candidate is asked to talk about a certain topic, is the second part of the module. They have a 1-minute grace period where they can organize their thoughts and write these down on paper. They are then given two minutes to orally present these ideas to the examiner. Some questions about the topic may be asked and then the task is over. This task will show how well the candidate can talk about a certain topic for a certain amount of time. The duration of this whole task will not exceed 5 minutes.

In the last part, discussion, the topic is discussed at deeper lengths so that the examiner can evaluate the candidate's ability to analyze issues and justify his or her opinions.

The following criteria are used to assess the candidate: fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation. This portion of the test is assessed by certified and qualified IELTS test examiners.

This part of the test may seem simple but it is actually very important. What makes this part hard is the nervousness and anxiety that you feel when taking it. The only preparations that you will need to make are your self-confidence and self-assurance. Instead of dwindling on your mistake, just brush it off and start again. Of course, it wouldn't hurt to brush up on current events and general news just in case this is the topic that is assigned to you.

You can get further information on best Ielts courses to enhance your reading, writing and speaking skills by visiting at:


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