Monday, May 30, 2011

How to eat low-calorie snacks are not fat | Weight Loss Tips - How ...

Yangkeng snacks, so how do you eat meat, not for long. Consider the following method. Eat will be thin! Find Weight loss help here with our free weight loss tips!

control daily calorie snacks in the 100-200 card

snacks in the heat, the most good control of the upper and lower card in the 100, if exceeded too much, it is recommended to eat in two, one will not eat too many calories. In general, one day about 1,500 to 1,600 calories, calorie snacks account for about 100 to 200 cards, this way, compared to control body weight. If the heat is too high snacks, meals will be affected, very healthy.

3-4 in the afternoon snack time, the best point

snack in the afternoon, optional 3 to 4 points, 6,7 to eat dinner, not too long intervals , we will be hungry too far into dinner eating and drinking, eating too much food. But if the late dinner time, about 8,9 points, 6,7 point, it may wish to eat a snack. In short, meals and between meals, may wish to eat a snack 3 hours, but no more than 2 times a day snack time.

dietary fiber can also be added from snacks

modern day, about 25-30 grams of dietary fiber, but usually can not meet the requirements. Xu Meiya said that when the meeting while the Chi Lingzui into dietary fiber, is a good way. Supermarket sales of soy such as fruit nutrition bars, in addition to a sense of satiety, but also dietary fiber.

other foods such as cold winter day, low in calories and rich in dietary fiber, is suitable for used as a snack. In fact, the general fruit and vegetable juices also contain dietary fiber, however, Xu Meiya that higher fruit and vegetable juice calories, but also than those without a sense of satiety, probably easy to accidentally drink too much heat.

yogurt, yogurt do not eat as a meal

snack choice, yogurt, buttermilk waist is a good choice, but not recommended protein intake should consider limiting the consumption of who as a snack, such as people with kidney disease, gout patients, to be preoccupied with the protein, so protein-rich yogurt, yogurt, it is not suitable as a snack.

In addition, Xu Meiya emphasize that many young girls can lose weight to drink yogurt, but in fact not low calorie yogurt, and no sense of satiety, accidentally, it is easy eating too much yogurt; Therefore, we can choose small bottle of yogurt, yogurt as a snack, but do not eat as a meal.

attention to intake of high calorie biscuits amount

high calorie cookies, so the best two hours eating, or divided to two to eat. Wild fire in which such snacks, high sodium and edema in serious condition, people with high blood pressure, pay special attention when the amount of food.

snacks like starch, such as rations bars, crackers, people who need to control blood sugar, being careful not to eat too much. Xu Meiya said that 15 grams of sugar as a staple food, adult men and women generally take about 12 to 16 copies a day staple.

konjac dried coconut jelly yangkeng best to use

konjac dry heat to low, suitable for consumption as snacks; but the consumer should pay special attention, not to buy unclear labeling, processing of unknown element Konjac dry. Xu Meiya other recommended stores have a lemon, coconut jelly, 185 grams only 37 cards, made in lieu of sugar for a snack. However, Xu Meiya to remind pregnant women to eat sugar substitute not suitable for food.

(internship Editor: He Lili)


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