Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Social work CEU Courses And Their Relevance

It is undeniable that social workers practicing in New York do not have to worry about CEU hours as there is no such requirement specified by the state board of registration; however, those in Kansas cannot overlook the relevance of social work CEU hours. Interestingly, Kansas is not the only state to have such an upfront requirement; Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, and many others are in the same league. It is worth mentioning that the minimal number of hours required by every state differs and therefore, courses that do not meet the specified criteria are irrelevant, and should be avoided.

For example, The Massachusetts Board of Registration of Social Workers has made it clear that it will only accept 10 CEU hours for Licensed Social Work Associates (LSWA). Again, the requirement differs, as the Licensed Independent Clinical Social Workers (LICSW) have to ensure that they have at least 30 hours of Continuing education for social workers before they think about licensure renewal in Massachusetts. Therefore, it may be imperative to look at the course topics and discount packages when choosing between different courses, but it is even more important to calculate the total number hours they can help in earning.

Relevance to social workers

As long as the institute offering the courses has obtained the necessary approvals from ASWB and other important entities, the CEU courses can be treated as relevant.

However, different courses may be relevant to different social workers depending upon their area of specialization and field of interest. It is undeniable that states like Michigan and New Jersey may have several social workers (read: 21,665 and 16,849).

However, it is obvious that not all of them might be interested in becoming familiar with the interventions meant for clients coping with cancer. At the same time, there are some courses, such as the ones meant for handling family manipulations that can only help in earning 1 hour; in such a situation, all sources courses can only be treated as relevant when done along with other courses or opted for as a part of some packages.

Relevance of packages

Interestingly, institutes often come up with packages that are specifically designed for satiating the requirements specified by the state board and earning the minimum number of hours of continuing education for social workers. These packages are highly relevant especially when the social workers want to obtain useable information about more than one topic. In fact, those who do not have the time to choose between courses and keep on calculating the total number of hours that they can earn can actually benefit from these packages.



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