Thursday, September 20, 2012

The 62nd Annual Lindau Meeting: Confronting the Universe--A Film Series Trailer

Nature Video presents five short films on this summer's Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting, which brought together laureates in physics and early-career phycisists

Image: Nature Video

At this summer?s meeting of Nobel laureates at Lindau, the Nature Video team filmed five debates on issues that matter to the current generation of physicists. Is dark matter real? How can we solve the looming energy crisis? How is physics perceived by the public?

In the trailer below, the filmmakers provide a preview of the discussions and disagreements that emerged.


The Hubble Space Telescope has shown us distant galaxies and planets orbiting other stars, deepening our knowledge of the Universe. Nobel prizewinner John Mather works on Hubble?s replacement, the James Webb Space Telescope. He believes we are in a golden age of astronomy. But the young researchers he meets are not convinced. There are too many unanswered questions, they say. For example: what?s causing the accelerated expansion of the universe? Hear how Mather and fellow laureate Brian Schmidt, who first observed this expansion, handle their queries.



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